These links lead to the genealogy information I have. Most of this information is courtesy of various hard-working people that are mentioned in the data files and in the notes page. (Link at bottom of page.)
(Rich Text Format), which can be read by text editors like Google Documents, Open Office, Wordpad, Word, and all web browsers.
(Hyper-Text Markup Language) which is what web browsers read. This file has been zipped, because it's big. It's a bit weird looking too, since it was created by Word.
(Portable Document Format) which are viewed by the Adobe Reader.
(GEnealogical Data) which are used by most genealogy programs. Also zipped.
These trees were created using Family Tree Maker. Different versions of the .FTM files have been uploaded to . has a huge amount of information and some very good tools for genealogy research. There's a membership fee, but they ususally have a free trial going on.